About me. Who am I?
I have spent a lifetime
looking for ‘what I was supposed to be doing’, casting around, never really
happy, quite sorry for myself, and wondering what it was all about. Others
seemed to be happy; to find love, a partner, children, and to have fun,
achieve, and find recognition, etc. etc, etc. So, what was wrong with me?
Being single meant that I
had time to read, so I did; a great deal; mostly psychology, personal growth, the
esoteric, and ‘New Age’. So, I went on, learning, watching and thinking about
what seemed to work or make sense and what did not.
By the time I was 50, I felt
progressively more trapped and I did not like the person I was becoming. I also
had the feeling that if I did not change this, I would get ‘hit by a truck’. I
tried to make changes, but became ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which left
me feeling very stuck indeed.
However, at the end of that
year, (of being 50), and through my apparently disastrous attempts at change
(through worrying about the truck), I ‘fell over’ someone who helped me greatly
with both goal-setting and clearing the fears that stopped me getting to them.
It still took another 10
years to integrate and understand what I had learnt within the context of what
I had read and experienced, but in the end, writing this is ‘what I am ‘sposed to be doing’ and it has taken me quite some
time (more years) to face ‘coming out’ with ideas that make sense to me, but
are so counter to what we are taught.
Emotional pain and physical
illness have been the sticks that made this donkey get a move on and search for
whatever carrots I could find. It is my ‘sticks’ that have taught me all I
know; if I got what I thought I wanted or deserved during my earlier years, I
simply congratulated myself, or thought I had it all under control, until the
next time that I had not.
About the posts.
The posts that follow are
mostly sections of chapters of a book that I am writing called “Integrating the
Shadow and Finding Your Direction” (ITS&FYD). I would like to say that it
is all planned out and chapters and sections will be completed in due course,
but this is not the case. The book seems to have a mind and a timing of its
own. Chapters or Sections that I think will be easy aren’t, and get huge in
front of my eyes. So, you won’t find any plan or outline here, at least at this
But, because it is a book,
the posts are not simply topics in isolation, and are not meant to be read that
way. They depend on concepts and logic developed in previous sections. Also,
the nature of posting to a blog means that the posts end up ‘backwards’, in
that they really need to be read from the bottom up, not the top down, which is
how they are presented to the reader. Not to mention, my posts are much longer
than ‘normal’.
In fact, I hope to
eventually set up my own web-site when there is rather more to mount than so
far, but that’s in the future.
The first chapter is called
Structures because I am using it to build a platform or foundation for more
complex ideas.
The second chapter will
About the book.
I find it very difficult to easily
say what the book is about. It is how I make sense of all that I have read,
learned, observed and experienced. It is not a philosophy or a theory;
it is what I have found as I chipped away at facing my rubbish and as I cleared
my useless decisions, so there is a kind of ‘take it or leave it’ flavour to
it. It is my ideas on the purpose and meaning of life on earth, and it
is what works for me, which is why I call it a Useful Understanding System. But
its primary purpose is as a vehicle for what I would call the Insight Tool
which I developed or modified from others’ methods, and how it works, as
well as why it works.
The Insight Tool is my psychological
method for turning my shit or sewage (or what I was shitty about) into
fertilizer for my own growth. In effect, I found that I could use what I didn’t
want to get me to where I did want to go or what I did want. This sounds
a bit daft, or almost backwards, but I had had no idea of what I really wanted;
I had only developed a lifetime’s experience of what I did not want.
I tried to tell people about
this wonderful method that was manifestly helping me get what I wanted, but all
who knew me thought it was ‘luck’.
Eventually, I began to
understand that this method needs a lot of explaining because it is so counter
to our cultural and social understandings. Not only is the method itself
counter to ‘normal’, it is best used within a framework of ideas that are also
counter to normal. This framework itself has come out of what I have found as I
have worked with this method.
Thus, it seemed to me that
if I had to explain what it was and how to use it, I needed to explain the
framework within which it works.
Over the last 2-3 decades,
there has been increasing emphasis by ‘New Age’ enthusiasts on concepts such as
‘spirituality’ and ‘unconditional love’; so there tends to be lots of ‘love and
light’ hanging around. However, Jung said something to the effect of.. ‘One does
not find the light by ignoring the dark’. Accepting one’s own very spotty
internal self, warts and all, is the
hard part as far as I’m concerned, but infinitely worth it.
In the end, as far as I can
see it, most people do not want to know about their problems because they
believe that they can not be ‘fixed’. It’s too hard and just means pain for no
point. In fact, people will not look unless they know first that the
problem can be solved, and there is very little anywhere that tells us
this can be possible, so we run and run, and hope things will change….
This book then, is saying
- Your problems can be solved, or they can be useful to you, or you can become a lot happier about them, which means much less pain and sorrow
- That it really is worth looking; there is every point in doing so..
..and here’s why and how.
so, Who are my audience?
Errm I don’t know. It’s
likely to be some proportion of..
Other ‘Seekers’,
Beck’s ‘Mender’ types,
NFs (the ‘Idealists’) of the MBTI,
People trying to make sense of what we are taught about
Someone looking for a way through to their own
Those who use Byron Katie’s ‘Turn it Around’ (= the
The story of developing the Insight Tool.
(Other names for this
tool/method could be Shit-Shifting or Bug-Hunting, but I’m not sure.)
In early 1999 I did an NLP
course with Jon Brenton and a small group of students. Jon himself was trained
by Tad James who in tandem with the NLP also uses a method he developed called
TimeLine (T/L) Therapy. The 2 methods together are most effective for
goal-setting and for clearing the things that stop us getting them, hence I
consider them very important.
NLP is a suite of techniques
based on an understanding of how the mind works. These techniques are great for
solving problems, and we ‘bring the problems up’ by setting goals. Thus, during
the course we were asked for our goals (what do you want to be, do, or have?)
and what our values about these goals were. Then we ranked the values from most
important to the least. Then we would look at what we actually had versus what
we valued and they were usually the opposite of what we valued.
Then we would put these
values and their opposites on our different hands, asking ourselves what each
taught us about the other. It was fascinating to feel our hands wanting to come
together as we ‘understood’ (not always consciously) what that learning was.
We also learnt to picture
our goals and to put them into the future, and then we would TimeLine the fears
that came up. I think that Jon had modified Tad’s T/L script to better fit in
with how he wanted to use it.
This worked fairly well for
me, although I had an enormous amount of trouble with the actual goal-setting,
and asking me my values stumped me greatly. Also, some things I worked on
didn’t really seem to stick. However there was so much for me to work on that
it seemed to be a very moot point.
Jon continued to run a group
for us on a weekly basis where some 5-10 people would come and we would
practice our NLP. Jon gave me enormous help with traumas and goal-setting;
hours and hours of help. This is to say I needed a lot of help, and got it. It
sounds a bit dramatic to say that it saved my life, but that is how it feels.
I was also trying to
understand what I had been taught and how to use it, since I would have liked
to have been as effective as I considered Jon to be for me and others. However,
I suspected I just did not have the mind for it, in terms of speed of thinking.
I also found that I was more interested in the unconscious methods rather than
the conscious ones.
Eventually, another woman in
this group, Susan Oliver, spotted that re-doing the opposites, as in, looking
for the opposite of the 1st 2 opposites, (the AO2) really did seem
to make the process stick. She used the words ‘absolute opposites’. This was a
breakthrough for me; the insights were so interesting and the goal-setting
seemed to work better. She also taught me to clap my hands together as they
came together.
As the years went by I spent
a lot of time working on myself by myself. I was still ill with the Chronic
Fatigue, and trying to work out how on earth to keep myself afloat. There was
still an awful lot wrong with me, and I was still trying to work out how to get
better. I had already had a great deal of help for free but couldn’t keep doing
that, and couldn’t afford to pay for help from others, so DIY was what I got to
Besides, it helped me relax
as nothing else could, and I loved it. It is a way of ‘tracking’ one’s self, and
I found it fascinating and absorbing, and really, it gave me hope; I knew no
other way of beating this illness, and I was hunting down the ‘hidden
advantages’, which Jon taught us about as part of the course.
I had noticed with trying to
goal-set that I was often better off starting from what I didn’t want in the
absence of any idea of what I did want. It would end up as a see-saw as I went
from one side to the other developing the concepts and building up a ‘picture’.
From reading Byron Katie’s
books, I learnt about ‘turning it around’ and started to do this to what I
wanted to complain about (aka ‘judge thy neighbour). Invariably I would find
that I had done to others in a previous life exactly what I most
complained about in this one. It was through this that I began to
formulate the Mirror Laws.
From reading about the MBTI,
I began to realize that the questions that start the process of ‘looking’ didn’t
work that well for me, and in fact work much better when tailored to the
person’s type.
I also modified the
goal-setting and the T/L scripts to run together, and found that if I had done
the 1st set of opposites (the AO1s) properly and thoroughly the
script would ‘run’ well, and I would get a great deal out of it. The AO2 would
‘lock’ that process in, and so I trundled on.
Once I had this method in
place, and had practised it over and over, and seen the results which I liked so
much, it gave me more reason to trust that I could handle whatever turned up in
my life. Thus I could learn to ‘trust life’ and allow and enjoy.
So, this is how I learnt to
turn my shit into fertilizer for me.
In all the ‘New Age’
spiritual stuff, the primary emphasis was always on meditation and stilling the
mind, but I had a mind that would not stay still ever, and I simply could not
meditate. Neither was I at all sure that I wanted to be like those who could,
since I felt vaguely allergic to the ‘loving’ tall, generally bearded men in
flowing clothes (especially the ones who liked to look like guess who) who
taught such things. Eventually, I learned to address every single concern that
crashed around in my mind by using this method, and what I learned in the
process is what I am writing about here.
I love this method that has
brought me so much, and that is why I want to tell others about it.
It is not the be-all and
end-all; of course there are other methods. For starters, it does not deal with
trauma, which I suspect needs 2 people.
Well, am I going to tell people what this method
actually is?
I intend to spell out the
method at a later stage. This is partly because there are some aspects that I
am not sure about.
Primarily, the T/L script is
a hypnotic script and is trademarked, as are others if they are worth anything.
Tad James invented Timeline Therapy and Jon modified the scripts for his own
use, so both have intellectual input. I may be able to use them for my own
purposes, but I must not publish them. Sadly, Jon died in December 2012, so I
cannot ask him. It is a major part of the method and I am not sure how else to
present it. I know of nothing else more relevant or more effective, and I have
looked. However, I really will have to find another way for this part of the
I have not done another NLP
course with another trainer, so I do not know which bits that we were taught were
part of Jon’s own training as both a teacher and a psychiatric nurse, or part
of a more ‘standard’ NLP course.
I think Dilts uses the
opposites and I suspect the understanding of its value is more ‘around’ now
than then, but it was Susan Oliver who spotted doing it twice, and showed me, and
for that I am extremely grateful.
The end.
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