In which we explore what God might be considering
when designing a system for life eternal, and why.
It’s all about God dreaming up a way for Her to have
fun forever, which is a very long time.
So, what is Fun?
God likes finding out things about herself that She
didn’t know before and She likes figuring it out Herself, and when She really
works it out She wants to Shout about it. This is called Expression. ‘In the
beginning was the word.’
God knows She only really learns and understands
things through experiencing them. Understanding is enthralling and a nice
‘zing’ or ‘aha’ when a Light comes on. The more experience, the more
understanding; therefore how get to experience everything to the max?
God likes ‘SEEK’. (see GRANDIN. The term is used by
Panksepp quoted in Grandin and Panksepp uses capitals for this drive/emotion.)
(Another name for this is Exploring)
Imagining and Creating all sorts of things in a
self-sustaining system is pretty interesting too.
God loves what She has found, and wants others to
have lots of fun too, so then She can share with them and they with Her.
Well, what about splitting into billions of little
sparks of awareness that are like Her (‘cos they’re part of Her) and want to
have fun forever with lots of different experiences. Since they are part of Her,
they are going to find experiencing and finding out about life, the Universe
and everything lots of fun too, and they will want to share what they have
So, what would keep them entertained and occupied
Now this is complex and there are some things to
think about here.
They will need methods to See themselves because it
is very difficult to work out who they are in the absence of anything else
around them. They will also need contrasts so that they can experience All of
it and learn to work out what they do and don’t want, and the consequences of
Any spark of me will contain and have access to
infinity, because they are part of Me so they will need large worlds and lots
of little ones with plenty of scope for plenty of experiences in all ways.
Some things will need to last forever, and some
things won’t, and these little bits of me will need time to understand what
they’ve learnt, and if they’re beginners they’ll want a chance to do things
over again if they don’t like it, or they may want it differently, or better or
not at all, because they’ll want free choice, as I have; yet forever is really
a long time, so they may want time out, as well as feedback…..
Also, the best fun is when they work it out for
themselves, so they’ll need a system that can maintain them, and give them
hints all the time so as they will know where to look
So, I’ll set up a closed system that will look after
them, and then they can explore.
It has to be…
absorbing and involving.
fascinating forever.
Always learning,
developing, creating, experiencing.
Feeding Seek, ie
exploration and curiosity to search, investigate and make sense of what we
Able to make
mistakes and start again.
Free choice to
do whatever they want, so as they can find out what happens and learn to
understand the consequences of their choices.
highly rewarding as they learn to express themselves.
measuring system to tell them how they’re going.
feedback mechanism including pain to let them know when they need to talk to me
or someone else.
Others to act as
mirrors, so that they can See if they wish.
An assessment
and debriefing system so they can recap and refine.
Time out for a
breather and can come back to Me.
The spark is part of the Creator, as the sperm is
part of the father, or the drop of the ocean is part of the ocean, the cell is
part of the body, or a flute is part of an orchestra.
The qualities here are that the spark is an
individual that is separate but is also part of a whole. Here is the first
duality. Characteristics are shared between source and spark, yet the spark is
not the source. The part is the microcosm, the source is the macrocosm.
Thus, As a spark of God,
You have all the time in the world and out of it. You
go on forever. A life eternal. What are you going to do with that? Play harps
forever?? Forever is a long time. What about Seek/Explore? What about Express?
You are part of God; you will want Seek and Express, and you will go on desiring
that. It is built into animals as well.
Life is an experience. We truly understand nothing
unless we experience it. The rest is simply theory.
So --- POP!
Well, here you are – a person born on earth and
you’re not that impressed.
A vale of tears.
Suffering in all directions.
Famine, fires, and floods – fat lot of fun here!
“Yeah; well; I suppose there are some compensations,
but I’m getting fat and tired and sex isn’t much fun any more and the kids are
so-so, and nearly off our hands – thank God.”
What a strange world? It’s lasted billions of years
say the geologists, and just over 4,000 says some religious groups. At the rate
we’re going, it won’t last much longer thinks everybody except businessmen and
politicians. What will the rat race do then?
So here you are? What on earth for? What’s all this
This is you – a piece of humanity in the physical –
different from anybody else – as unique as your DNA says you are.
You have a personality. Your friends seem to know
what it is – you seem to know what theirs is. You don’t really know what yours
is. Do you?
You have the potential to be and do what? Others tell
you. There’s things that you want; things you have to do. Others seem to have
it all. Where’s mine?
Does everybody go through this eat, sleep, grow up,
school (maybe), learn the rules, earn a living, just so the next generation can
eat, sleep, grow up, etc…. what for?
All looking for love, striving for what?
So many things the same; so many differences; so many
things I know; so many things I don’t.
Every person different; the more you know them, the
more you realize their world is different from your own.
We have one life only to encompass this. What?
We have lots of lives to encompass this. What?
Who’s right? Who’s wrong? The whole thing is a heap
of hooey, isn’t it?
We have history – do we still have all these wars?
Who were they? What about all those who have been
before me?
But the great cry is…
Who am I?
Why am I here?
What for?
How does any/all of this make sense?
What is the point of it all?
How do I make sense of all the things we’re told to
do ‘out there’?
Who’s right, who’s wrong and why????
So, what are my answers here and who am I to give
In the end, what follows are my own answers that make
sense to me out of all these questions. They help me and greatly,
which is why I’m writing them. They may or may not be correct, and they are
certainly likely to be incomplete. They may or may not help you, but it is my
responsibility to write what I have found to be true for me, and it is your
responsibility to do with them as you please.
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